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Bite Your Tongue

for orchestra [] & pre-recorded electronics

duration: c. 7' 00"


Bite Your Tongue illustrates an individual being silenced by both internal and external forces. Broken syllables and the fragments of the beginnings of words are projected in the pre-recorded track, which interrupt the orchestra’s material that represents the collection of thoughts that are trying to break free. This piece strives to encapsulate the struggle that ensues as the voice attempts to articulate messages in the face of their suppression. The only words formed in the piece are “shudder” which forms into “shut her” as the orchestra aligns with the speaker in a final expression of urgency and frustration. 

This poem by Nayyirah Waheed serves as an epitaph:


my whole life

i have

ate my tongue.

ate my tongue.

ate my tongue.

i am so full of my tongue

you would think speaking is easy. but it is not.

--- for we who keep our lives in our mouths


piece starts at 12:38

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